The Green Divas
The Green Divas is the original green podcast and has been sharing low-stress ways to mitigate and adapt to our climate reality since 2006. Founding Green Diva Megan McWilliams Bouchard and Green Divas Lynn Broderick and Lisa McWilliams are refreshing the brand for the 2022 reboot. All have been involved in the Green Divas and other forms of media for decades and are committed to bringing solutions, hope, humor and of course credible information in an engaging format. Stay tuned for the best content for green, natural living, climate hope, stories of resilience all with The Green Divas often humorous approach.
The Green Divas
Green Divas 4.21.11 - Driving Greener & Earth Day Fun
Green Diva Meg
An hour just isn't enough . . . GD Meg & Green Dude Scotty tried to keep up with the flood of information about earth day 2011 and they still managed to get a GD correspondent report from Dr. Heather Eves from Virginia, a quick call-in from GD Lisa in Austin, TX and a half hour FULL of information from our favorite green car dude, John Voelcker, Sr. Editor at HighGearMedia and Woooohhoooo! Hope you get a chance to listen - get your pen and take notes.
Please check out our TikTok @official_greendivas ; of course follow us on instagram @TheGreenDivas ; FaceBook @GreenDivas ; and YouTube